Friday, 13 May 2011

Saturday May 14

Date:  Saturday, May 14, 2011
Kayaking on the Gorge - RAIN OR SHINE
Meeting Time:  11:45 a.m.                 
Meeting Place:  Mayfair Starbucks (on Blanshard side)
Special Details:  clothing - dress for the weather (bring along optional clothing in case.....)
    Lunch - students should bring along a lunch/snacks/water and/or purchase food at Mayfair                               
Dismissal time:  approx. 3:15 PM
Place:  from the Rowing Club with a return to Mayfair/downtown/homestay
Note:  Saturday activities are NOT optional for ATP students as it is part of their programme.  If a student is unable to attend, he/she should contact me by email in advance of the activity with his/her reason for  not attending.
Contact info: 
Gary Garraway   250-721-0457

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Saturday Activity May 7

Date:  Saturday, May 7, 2011
Activities:  Pool (at Peacock's Billiards) and skating (Pearkes Arena)
Meeting Time:  9:45 AM               
Meeting Place:  Bay Center (Douglas Street Entrance)
Special Details:  clothing - suitable for skating (helmet optional), gloves, socks
lunch - bagged and/or purchased at the Tillicum Mall
Students should remember to bring along their bus passes.
Dismissal time: 1:45 PM
Place:  Pearkes Arena
Contact info:  Gary Garraway   250-721-0457
Note:  Saturday activities are NOT optional for ATP students as it is part of their programme.  If a student is unable to attend, he/she should contact me by email in advance of the activity with his/her reason for  not attending.
The original activity (tennis and golf at Henderson) was changed due to the weather forecast for Saturday (showers).  I've been hoping for an improvement in the forecast - therefore the delay in sending out the details.